Apple has fired one of his iPhone X engineers, Ken Bauer, after his daughter uploaded a video of her with the new iPhone X on her YouTube channel. Brooke Amelia Peterson said that she made that video while visiting her dad at Apple’s California Headquarters. Ms. Peterson took the video down after Apple asked her to do so. In later uploaded video she said that she doesn’t know why her video got so much attention when there are so many videos of iPhone X on YouTube from other you tubers . iPhone X will be available on November 3. In her video she said that no matter how responsible you are, if you break a rule, they just have no tolerance. She added that her dad takes full responsibility for the one rule that he broke. “You know what guys? Hate on me all you want, but please don’t hate on my father, because he is the best person” Amelia added. So this whole scene is quiet disturbing, as we all can see there are many videos of iPhone X on YouTube already and then...
The words whisper 🍃